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VII. ) Morality is part of the nature of things. Necker. The less we show our love to a woman, Or please her less, and neglect our duty, The more we trap and ruin her surely In the flattering toils of philandery. For, as usual, cold blooded, lechery Obtains its fame from the science of love, Always trumpeting to the skies above, Enjoying itself without a heart. But this most solemn, serious pastime, Was fit for baboons of long ago, Such as were praised in grandad’s time: The fame of Lovelace is withered now, Along with the fame of scarlet shoes And wigs which up to the ceiling rose. Who is not bored with acting a part, Repeating with variation the same old thing, Striving solemnly to assert A fact known to all from long ago, To listen to the same tedious objections, Do battle with rooted convictions, Such as never were and never have been Even in a young girl who’s just thirteen! Who is not exhausted by threats, Cajollings, swearings, pretended passion, Notes six pages long (all the fashion), Deceits, back biting, slanders, tears, The supervision of aunts and mother, And the heavy friendship of the husband of one’s lover! Such were the thoughts of my Yevgeny. For, from the days of his first youth He was the victim of wildest fancy, Unbridled passions for him were truth. Bigo live слив трансляций.
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Интересно сколько людей удосужилось после этого прочитать этот отрывок Онегина и увидеть, что здесь мало того, что первая цитата с ошибкой, ещё и вторая идет через пару десятков строк и к первой отношения не имеет? Чем меньше женщину мы любим, И тем ее вернее губим. Разврат, бывало, хладнокровный. Сам о себе везде трубя. Но эта важная забава. Хваленых дедовских времян: Со славой красных каблуков. Кому не скучно лицемерить, Стараться важно в том уверить, Всё те же слышать возраженья, У девочки в тринадцать лет! Моленья, клятвы, мнимый страх, Обманы, сплетни, кольца, слезы, И дружба тяжкая мужей! Он в первой юности своей. Видео стриптиза звезды.Садись-ДВА.
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